A young man who has left school joins a group of hooligans who are fans of Olympiakos soccer team, and soon his entire life revolves round that group. In a violent clash with the fans of AEK, the youn...
A young security guard at a factory falls in love with Mirella, his boss’s wife, and together they plan the murder of her husband. They get married, but the man is tormented by his guilt. The couple...
A university student and member of a group of bikers, Charis, lives with his widowed mother in an Athenian apartment. With a telescope he frantically watches an older woman, Stella, who lives with her...
Makis is obsessed with soccer and ignores his father’s admonitions to get a decent job. His sister Nasia is having an affair with Nikitas, son of shipowner Aristotelis Archos, who is into car racing...
A literature professor gets a job at a high school famous for its untamed students and suffers from their pranks. When he falls in love with one of his students, however, he reveals another side of hi...
The schoolteachers believe that they had gotten rid of the rebellious students who had harassed them so much. But the students return to classes demanding to graduate without favors. Their leader now ...